Ventnor Down Pillbox

Facing north west and of a polygonal construction on the top of Ventnor Down.

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Ref Number: 0046

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In preparation for and during World War II, the island went into full defensive mode because of its strategic location. If the Germans were planning an invasion, it seemed probable that they would want to seize it as soon as possible to establish a safe beachhead from which to start their lightning-fast blitzkrieg campaign.

The War Office anticipated this possibility, so it developed a number of defence systems and made preparations at key locations to slow down any advance forces in the event of an evasion. The placement of strategically placed pillboxes was one such tactic used on the Island.

The only known facts regarding this pillbox are that it was constructed using a polygonal design, faced north-west, and was made of a combination of materials. The field of fire took into account the approaches to Ventnor Radar.

The link under “Sources” will take you to further information on the unique construction of each pillbox.

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Dusty Fox

Our Historic Isle